Prophet Jacob, Founder & Leader
Imperial Candace Queen Michal, First Lady & Teacher
Welcome To New Covenant Coptic Temple... We are pleased that you have taken the tme to stop by and visit our website. Please feel free to browse and stay as long as you like.

You are cordially invited to attend our uplifting, Holy Spirit-Filled services. New Covenant Coptic Temple is one of several Black Coptic churches in Chicago. To learn more about the Black Coptic Order, please go to our History page.

Come and learn the truth about the real Jesus, Black Jesus, the "I AM" God power that is rich within you.

New Covenant Coptic Temple is a small, friendly church with big love and life-changing teaching from God's Word, The Holy Bible.
Prophet Jacob and Queen Michal teach the unadulterated Truth in Love, rendering the hearer(s) incapable of ever making excuses for any area of their life's condition again.

You realize if it's to be it's up to me! To whom much is given, much is required! Faith without works is dead!

As Leader and Teacher, Prophet Jacob and Queen Michal are not here to entertain you, but to help you HEAL, Be-Come Prosperous, Healthy and Whole.

In addition to religious education and spiritual principles, we are committed to community outreach with Food Distribution during the holidays to families in need and Toys For Tots during the Christmas season. We know that LOVE imust be demonstrated because the very nature of love is giving. Where there is LOVE there is UNITY, together we can accomplish anything.

We are expanding our capacity for outreach and will soon offer Computer Literacy Classes, Introduction To Graphic Design, Basic Web Design, Intro. To Entrepreneurship and Tutoring Sevices in various subjects to young people who are motivated to learn and ultimately earn. Productive, Industrious ones making their contributions to society.

It is our goal to be a visible and valuable resource within the community that not only uplifts the individual spiritually with an elevated awareness and positive self image but also to prepare individuals to overcome social-economic dispairity and dare to do wonderous things. We believe and know that our young people are born gifted with an unlimited capacity to succeed.
Again, we thank you for taking the time to visit and peruse our website and signing our guestbook to let us know you were here.  We will reach out to you and keep you abreast of what's going on here at New Covenant Coptic Temple. We look forward to meeting you in person at the church one day soon. God Bless! Please Sign Our Guestbook...
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If you are in need of reliable transportation new or used at a price you can afford to pay successfully, go to rogers auto group and see Allen Washington. If you know someone who is looking to purchase a great vehicle, refer them to Allen Washington and receive a guaranteed finder's fee after the purchase is made.

He will take good care of you. Ask for Allen Washington.

Call Now: 773. 910. 2890 
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